Emily Hannah Banana
(PS Emily is the only one that calls her Kate)
"I will help you out" that is exactly what Emily was thinking when she tried to open the cage for these animals. "They want to play with me mom" (She did wear pants when she was 2)
Feeding the baby lambs was one of her favorite things this year. Each time we pass the Byram's farm she looks for the lambs and wants to go feed them again. The only thing she didn't like was when mom made her quit feeding the lamb to see a newborn lamb. She took a quick peek at the new lamb and went back to the barn yard by herself to finish feeding that lamb
She loves preschool. Every morning she asks if it is preschool day. She loves to write her name and practically taught herself she wanted to learn so bad. She has to have a book every night before she can go to sleep. I learned the other night that we are giving her too many verses from the Book of Mormon that start the same. Em, it's your turn - "And it came to pass" Well at least she was listening.
She doesn't care if she gets into trouble. If she is in time out she will make up a game to entertain herself until the time is over. Yet, if you see her in pants you will know that she got into BIG trouble and had her dresses taken away.
Emily wants to tag - Kate, Kelsey, Molly, Rachel and Jessica
Amy, that was fun to read about Emily. I remember when she was born and Kim Libby and I would say that you should enter her into a photo contest....
I laughed so hard when you said you took her dresses away and made her wear pants. That was the only punishment that would work for Molly and boy would she throw a fit if she oculdn't wear a dress and her santa hat. Now that I think of it, it makes me sad because she has passed that stage. They grow too fast. Molly will be excited to do a post with me...we will be on it...(after the weekend)
That was adorable! I love this tag, reading about everyones children...Emily is a sweetheart, those pictures are great, capturing her personality. Lucy just loves Emily!
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